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Four years and many dolls later

2 015 has started in complete denial for me. After over a year and a half of heartbreak, some stress that came with that and some guts that came out of nowhere and ripped some bandages covering a lot of bad bad things, I had decided it was time to practice being single. But not in a wallowing in self pity feeling sorry for myself kind of way, nor in a “men are terrible, I should only rely on pets” kind, either. Just being single and bei ng curious about every single experience, from having the morning coffee by myself, to fully functioning professionally and socially. Not that I had not been single before, but very rarely was I not “on the market”. So, half of 2014 I had been single and since December of that year, I had decided I actually was going to give this solo thing a try. It lasted four full months. It doesn’t look much in writing, either! Well, here is what happened! Armed with the will to practice curiosity and patience, I have started planning, for 2015, all those th...
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Lectie de la bunicul meu

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I wanted to forget we shared the same city

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Am vrut sa uit ca impart orasul cu el...

... Am vrut sa plec, sa-l stiu departe, suficient de departe cat sa nu ma ajunga nici gandul de el.   Cand am hotarat sa ma rup de el, sa-l imping sa plece, stiam ca am sa-l port in mine o vreme dupa aceea. Nu ma asteptam sa ma arda plamanii cand respir si sa imi doresc sa omor o parte din mine. Nu mai stiam pe nimeni care sa fi murit. Nu mai tinusem niciodata doliu. Si acum purtam cu mine peste tot un mort pe care nimeni nu il vedea, nimeni nu il jelea. Numai eu. Nu e de mirare ca ajunsesem confuza: cine a murit, de fapt? Apoi, timpul a invatat sa treaca. Eu m-am lasat invatata sa stau locului si sa-l las sa treaca. M-am gandit mereu la el, uneori cu furie, alteori cu mirare ca am fost capabila de atata supunere.   Niciodata cu dor. Pentru ca mi-era frica sa imi fie dor. Apoi am uitat cum e sa am sentimentul de el. Si am uitat cum ar putea fi sa-mi fie dor. Mi-am recapatat plictisitoarea libertate. Au trecut patru ani. Am povestit despre el ca despre marea...


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